Ban Size Discrimination

in Massachusetts

UPDATE 8/1/2024: The state legislative session has ended without the passage of this size discrimination bill. Senator Rausch plans to re-introduce the bill during the 2025-2026 session.

The Massachusetts State Legislature is considering H.1705/S.1108, an act prohibiting body size discrimination. This bill would add “height or weight” to legally protected classes throughout Massachusetts, which currently includes race, national origin, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

The Joint Committee on the Judiciary received testimony on this legislation in December 2023. You can watch in-person testimonies here and read about it here. We are hoping the bill will soon be reported out of the Judiciary Committee favorably, as it has been twice in the past. The next deadline to report out is June 30th, 2024.

Ways You Can Help

(on mobile scroll down for sample letter)

  1. Anyone living in Massachusetts can write to the Judiciary Committee Chairs:

    Sen. James B. Eldridge, Senate Chair

    Sen. Lydia Edwards, Senate Vice Chair

    Rep. Michael S. Day, House Chair

    Rep. Christine P. Barber, House Vice Chair

  2. Massachusetts residents can let their legislators know to support the bill when it comes up for vote, hopefully later this year. You can find your lawmakers are here.

  3. Anyone living in Massachusetts can also write to the legislators that will have a hand in this bill’s ultimate approval:

    The Joint Committee on Ways and Means

    - Sen. Michael J. Rodrigues, Senate Chair

    - Sen. Cindy F. Friedman, Senate Vice Chair

    - Rep. Aaron Michlewitz, House Chair

    - Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante, House Vice Chair


    Senate President Karen E. Spilka

    Speaker of the House Ronald Mariano

make it your own!

click here to open letter in new tab

Dear [Sen. or Rep] [NAME],

I am a resident of [TOWN]. I write to ask you to support S.1108/H.1705, the bills introduced by Sen. Rausch and Rep. Nguyen to prevent size discrimination in employment, housing, and education. This bill would add height and weight to the list of legally protected classes in Massachusetts, which currently includes race, national origin, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, and gender identity. 

In Massachusetts, it is currently legal to fire, deny housing, or deny public accommodation to an individual because of their weight or their height. Black, Brown, LGBTQIA+, low-income, and other people who are members of marginalized communities face this discrimination at higher rates. This is a violation of civil rights and is contrary to the revolutionary spirit and progressive values of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In a place where diversity is celebrated and the rights of residents are scrupulously protected, we must fill this glaring gap. 

Only a handful of places in the United States have laws protecting against height and weight discrimination. With your support, Massachusetts has the opportunity to be at the forefront of this important civil rights issue. Your commitment to equity and justice assures me that this is a cause you will take seriously. 

I urge you to favorably report out S.1108/H.1705 and to encourage your colleagues to vote yes on this important legislation.
